GlobeCore is a leading manufacturer of various equipment, such as transformer oil purification and regeneration plants, bitumen emulsion plants, bitumen modification plants, fuel blending systems and bio-diesel production system, employing over 200 staff on the production team. Our products are well known in the USA, Europe, Asia and Africa. While we are open to business anywhere in the world, we are also focusing on Africa.
GlobeCore is a lead manufacturer of variety equipments like Transformer Oil Purification and Regeneration Plants, Bitumen Emulsion Plants, Modified Bitumen Plants, Fuel Blending Systems and Bio Diesel Equipment. We are open to any country; now we are focus on African’s regions.
“GlobeCore’s representatives often travel to clients” – said mr.Sukhar, GlobeCore Export Manager – “we provide operators training and startup; separately we organize seminars to share our experience in oil purification and assets management”.
One such seminar was held in Kampala, the capital of Uganda last April. The focus of the seminar was the advantages of transformer oil regeneration by Fuller’s earth, and also on operational and environmental benefits of regenerating oil instead of replacing it.
Uganda and its neighboring countries are interested in electrical power development: within the next five years they will receive substantial investements from the World Bank to improve their national grids and make electricity accessible to population. At this time only 3 – 5% of Uganda’s population have access to electricity and there are many cities in the north of Uganda without electric power at all. Less than 2% of rural population has access to electricity, with less than half of that being provided by the national grid, other sources being household generators and solar panels.
As says Eugen Svirid, GlobeCore lead engineer, despite the growing importance of alternative energy, traditional power plants are the main providers of electricity around the world. These powers still need equipment replacements and modernizations.
Until Uganda receives the aid of almost 3.5 billion dollars over the next several years, which it needs for construction of Kawanda-Masaka transmission line and the related substation and 600MW power plant in Karuma, a lot can be done to preserve current assets – especially the most expensive of them, the power and distribution transformers.
Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL) has teamed up with GlobeCore to upgrade their transformer oil purification plants. The company made its choice after a recommendation from Nigerian Power Holding Company, a partner of UETCL, which now operates eighteen GlobeCore mobile oil purification plants. UETCL fully understands the importance of transformer maintenance, says Christopher Mutyaba, the Head of Maintenance Department at UETCL. Accroding to him, transformer failures are, unfortunately, quite common, and cause frequent power outages. The population has to do without electrical power for six months, until a failed transformer can be repared or replaced. Mr. Mutyaba noted that transformer down time causes a significant loss revenue and growing customer dissatisfaction.
Latest GlobeCore technological developments will allow addressing the issue of excessive foam forming in the vacuum chamber which is often the case with old and contaminated oils. And as UETCL has many remote substation, oil purification plant will have fully automated control system with PLC and GSM module to minimize supervision.
German equipment is well known in Africa, especially in Uganda. Country operate transformer oil filtration machine purchased in 1991. While this equipment is still in fair condition, GlobeCore can replace most major components is required to satisfy higher demands for the quality of transformer oil, put on users by modern transformer manufacturers.