Marine dribbling fuel is used in ships equipped with high-speed diesel engines. This oil product consists of sour and vacuum distillates, as well as secondary products (light catalytic and thermal cracking gasoil).
The following are the requirements to such fuel:
- cetane number above 40;
- sulfur content below 1.5%;
- iodine number below 20.
Marine dribbling fuel has heavier fraction composition, while boiling temperature may be in the range of 180-200ºС to 400-410 ºС. The history of using this fuel began in 1988, when the petroleum industry first produced and supplied the new type of fuel to replace diesel and gas turbine fuel.
The most important advantage of the distilled marine fuel is that it does not require heating before supplying it to the engine, due to the low viscosity (3-6 mm2/sec).
Fuel clarification
Quality of the dribbling marine fuel defines the reliability and safety of engine operation, as well as environmental factors, and only a product fully compliant with the existing requirements can be used.
Of the fuel oxidized and darkened during storage, it should be clarified. For this purpose, GlobeCore has designed and manufactures the UVR type unit. This machine employs special adsorbent, filtering sulfuric and resinous impurities. The output is light and clean marine fuel without the odor. Purification of 1000 liters of dribbling marine fuel takes no more than 2% of sorbent (by weight). Fuel loss after clarification is not more than 0.7-0.8%.