Our scientists have designed technologies which use electromagnetic units with ferromagnetic particles for production of low-, middle- and high-calorie sauces based on the emulsion with fat content mass from 20 to 74%.
Suggested technology allows obtaining the mayonnaise with the high degree of microbiological safety and high organoleptic indicators. Obtained mayonnaises are stable and not separate over the long period of time (3-12 month) depending from the concentration.
During processing time takes place the continuous material dispersion and homogenization. Homogenization of poor-dispersion emulsion in the working chamber leads to increasing of emulsifying capacity of emulsifiers caused by optimum molecules polarization.
Besides, application of AVS unit allows intensifying technological process thanks to exception some technological operations. As the result we can decrease the price of finished products.
Follow the link to find out more about application of AVS unit in the food industry
Coming soon: the real case study about mayonnaises production technology